It’s past time to get real about the needs in our communities with a commitment to clean water, conservation, renewable energy, and infrastructure. Slowing and reversing the effects of climate change are not only necessary, but provide so many economic opportunities in the form of growing clean energy industries and high-paying jobs for Iowans. Over the last couple decades, Iowa has grown a strong wind industry and has made significant advancements in solar. We can do more to build a green economy by continuing and expanding those efforts.Iowa could also choose to be more welcoming to growing industries like electric vehicles for both environmental and economic sustainability.  

The health of our water and soil is critical for our future. It’s important to remember that clean water and conservation are not rural vs. urban issues; they are “all Iowa” issues and must be treated as such in the Legislature. I will continue to work for dedicated funding of the Natural Resources & Recreation Trust Fund, as passed by voters in 2010, in order to clean up our waterways, protect our land and wildlife habitat, and grow outdoor recreational opportunities. This will spur economic development as people choose to stay in or move to Iowa and seek us out as a vacation destination.